I wish I had read Deepak Dugar’s Be-YOU-tiful earlier! I even wish I could go back in time with this book and read it to my younger self!!! I spent almost 12 years modeling in the fashion industry and never did a day go by where other people’s judgments and perceptions of me not be voiced; whether about how to change my face or why my body wasn’t perfect. It led to years of looking at myself with a skewed perception of what beauty really meant. I look back on old photos myself and wish I wasn’t so hard on that girl trying to be what everyone was telling her she had to be in order to “make it” because she WAS and still IS beautiful. I am grateful for Deepak’s powerful words and insight, captivating, enlightening, and empowering perspective on beauty and the opportunity to be able to accept his insight and use it while appreciating who I am and see how far I’ve come in my self-acceptance. I will be passing this knowledge on to my children in hopes of creating a world that reflects their beauty rather than society’s morbid rendition. Deepak just gets it, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the way in which Be-YOU-tiful has changed my self image for the better. – Nina Marie Danielle, Actress, Comedian, Social Medial Influencer